Taxonomic list T2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ramus nervi

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Top level complexus anatomicus Short Extended
Level 2 ramus nervi Short Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
65132 14662
ramus nervi
branch of nerve
52570 10207
ramus nervi cranialis T3 253 children
branch of cranial nerve
10982 10209
ramus nervi spinalis T3 411 children
branch of spinal nerve
66075 10210
ramus nervi accessorii
branch of accessory nerve
65269 10211
branch of peripheral nerve
6279 10212
branch of paravertebral ganglion of sympathetic trunk of sympathetic trunk
80209 10213
ramus plexus nervosi T3 109 children
branch of nervous plexus
82555 10214 part
branch to infrahyoid muscles
ramus ganglii autonomici
branch of autonomic ganglion
6801 part
nervus ciliaris brevis
short ciliary nerve
10 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T2
List Unit Identifier 14662
Sublist 1 10207 ramus nervi cranialis 253/128 on 6.1.2025
Sublist 2 10209 ramus nervi spinalis 411/164 on 15.7.2024
Sublist 3 10211 ramus nervi peripheralis 17/8 on 15.7.2024
Sublist 4 10212 ramus ganglii paravertebralis 49/32 on 15.7.2024
Sublist 5 10213 ramus plexus nervosi 109/54 on 15.7.2024
Sublist 6 10214 ramus muscularis infrahyoideus 12/5 on 15.7.2024
Subtotals subchildren 851 subunits 391
Proper children 9
Number of children 860 (validated)
Proper units 4
Number of units 395 (validated)
Signature 3445 (validated since 6.1.2025)
Date: 06.01.2025